This is the third update on the MacGregor DNA project. As you will see from the diagrams which follow this update the picture is becoming very complicated and will mean that I will have to reconsider the way this is presented for future updates.
The project now has 80 participants, but as yet only 62 returned kits (with some in the post). There is a ‘wastage’ of about 10% of those who request kits but decide not to carry on.
The new spreadsheet [correct to Sep 20th 2003] has been laid out differently this time – I have attempted to group together haplotypes which seem to have features in common. In deciding which to put with which I have been guided by the following principles:
- where 385a and 385b are 11 and 13 respectively I have grouped these together since this MAY indicate more recent Irish origin (my interpretation)
- similarly 392 with score 14 may indicate the same
- I have grouped results with 391 = 10 as these seem to lie together (and here 385a and 385b have 11 and 14 respectively EXCEPT for the MacGregor bloodline – and interestingly, GRUER - which has 10, 14 on this loci)
- I have similarly grouped those with 391 = 11 together unless there were reasons for doing otherwise
- I have linked the remaining tests together in various ways which will be obvious, but note 2314 Nevins to 10063 McGregor would fall within the ‘Viking’ group (old HG2, possibly Norwegian)
Table 1 - Marker Comparison (click to enlarge)
The diagrams have been split for the first time. The less detailed one [Chart 1] is the overall picture, while the exploded section [Chart 2] focuses on the ‘Celtic’ haplogroup (the old HG1 – which incidentally for those of you who have been delving a little deeper is NOT only the ‘renamed’ group R1b though many of the participants are probably in that subgroup).
Chart 1 - Phylogenetic Tree (click to enlarge)
Chart 2 - Celtic Haplogroup (click to enlarge)
As indicated earlier, the more people who take part in this programme the more we will understand about our origins. I encourage you to contact me either through our Secretary or on Richard McGregor. Why not take part in the adventure? As I wrote to one enquirer on the webpage ‘kinsmen are united by blood or by community, by descent or by association, but DNA is about exploring our deeper past’.
Please remember that only males can take this test although it is quite usual for this to be organised by a member of the female line on behalf of brothers or cousins. The tested individual should bear the MacGregor name or a supposed alias. Mitochondrial DNA testing is available to both genders but does not link with paternal DNA inheritance at all.
Richard McGregor
Chairman Clan Gregor Society
DNA Project Coordinator